Hi, I’m natalie.

I like to read, write, stargaze, listen to music, drink coffee and be around good people.

I come from a family of storytellers, where we share the stories of our childhood, our memories, and of those who lived here before us as part of remembering who we are and where we come from, for better or for worse.

I’m a textbook first born with incredibly artistic and talented younger siblings. I’m the mother of two curly headed, strong willed human beings who humble me daily and continue to teach me more about life than anything I’ve ever experienced. I have a best friend who is probably a soul mate.

I have a degree in English and Literature from Texas Woman’s University, and a certification in tarot from 22 Teachings School of Hermetic Science and Magical Arts.

I have a menagerie of friends whose existence is a work of art to me.

My magical practice is an idiosyncratic, eclectic mix that includes ancestral veneration, death work/end of life ceremony, Hermeticism, Astrology, Qabalah, Alchemy, and Rosicrucianism.

I yearn for Truth. I’m trying to be a better listener. I can be a Ms. Bossy Pants. I’m an impulsive shopper and emotional eater. I think it’s really something to be a human being.

I am in a constant state of Becoming.