ethics, policies, disclaimer, terms, and all that jazz

Please read this page before sending payment and booking a reading. This will help ensure clear communication and satisfaction for both of us. Thank you!


No matter your sexual orientation, gender identity, racial identity, ethnicity, cultural identity, religion, beliefs, physical ability, socioeconomic status, social class, age, etc., I will respect you and hold space for you. All are welcome here.

Your reading will be treated with the utmost respect for your confidentiality.

I strive for transparency with all of my clients. You have the right to ask for more clarification should something be unclear. It is your time, you paid for it, and you have the right to understand what is going on. However, please try not to spend too much time asking questions about my process so that our time is properly focused on your reading.

I will be honest and upfront with you about my abilities, and what I can and cannot sense or intuit for you. At all times, I will endeavor to present myself to you responsibly and with integrity.

I do not claim to be a psychic medium. If you are primarily seeking those services, I can refer you to an ethical and professional medium.

The cards will likely advise you on certain courses of action to take, but that does not mean I am telling you what to do. That is not my role. Your decisions are 100% your own, and I do not, and will not, impede the free will of others. To do so is the direct opposite of the client's empowerment, which is a key component of my business intention. I advise via the images of the cards, but ultimately your decisions are your own.

No single reader is perfect for every single client. On rare occasions, I may encounter a client with whom things just don’t seem to “click.” Should you be one of those clients, I will do my best to discern that as quickly as possible so as to not waste your time, and I will refer you onward to several other trustworthy and ethical readers.

Please be certain you have availability within the published business hours before booking an appointment to ensure I will have the availability to provide the reading you seek.

If you wish to see me, I leave the initiation of that connection to you. I do not and will not personally solicit my clients for business, not now, and not ever.

I am happy to do a reading on the following, and other related ethical topics:

• Relationships

• Career

• Friendships

• Children

• Family dynamics

• Financial outlooks

• Personal betterment and spiritual seeking

I will NOT do a reading on the following, and other related unethical topics:

• Lottery numbers

• Spying on your ex

• The identity of your baby's father

• When and how you are going to die

I do not answer “quick follow-up questions” after the reading has concluded due to the constraints of my personal schedule. Please be sure to ask me whatever you need during our session and respect my time as I respect yours. If you have follow-up questions, please consider purchasing a follow-up reading.

If you are disrespectful, obnoxious, or behave in a threatening manner, your reading will be instantly terminated, and you will not receive a refund. Treat me with respect as I will treat you, otherwise our time together will be immediately ceased.

I will not read for anyone under the influence of intoxicants.

I reserve the right to refuse service, for any reason.

I do not read for clients under the age of 18. With parental consent and the child's assent, I will read for clients ages 13 and up, provided that the parent is present for the reading.

Should you need to cancel or reschedule your reading, I require 24-hour notice, as is standard practice of most professional businesses. If you cancel before the 24-hour window, your money shall be refunded. If you reschedule, your payment will be applied toward your next appointment. Bear in mind, I will only allow one reschedule per appointment, so please be absolutely certain your rescheduled time will work.

Failure to provide 24-hour notice will result in the forfeiture of your refund. 24-hour (or longer) notice of cancellation is the only instance in which I will provide refunds, so please be absolutely certain you want to book an appointment with me before booking an appointment.

If you are running late for your appointment, you will need to communicate to me your lateness. A message or email is all that I need and should only take a moment of your time. Provided that you communicated with me, I will honor the remainder of your appointment time.

There will not be a refund if you are a no-show with no communication to me. I value your time. Please value mine.

All readings and services require payment in advance of your appointment. Receipt of payment will trigger the scheduling process and product creation process. Credit card and PayPal are both accepted through my online secured "Book Now" page. If you fail to provide payment ahead of your appointment, I will not read for you.

Thank you for honoring my policies and thank you for your business!


By participating in/reading my services/website/blog you acknowledge that I am not a licensed psychologist, lawyer, or health care professional and my services do not replace the care of lawyers, psychologists, or other healthcare professionals. Tarot and numerology are in no way to be construed or substituted as psychological counseling or any other type of therapy or medical advice. I will at all times exercise my best professional efforts, skills, and care. However, I cannot guarantee the outcome of reading efforts and/or recommendations on my website/blog/newsletter and my comments about the outcome are expressions of opinion only. I cannot make any guarantees other than to deliver the services purchased as described. All my readings are intended for entertainment purposes only.

Image: 3 of Swords from The Dark Exact Tarot